I'll be honest, one of my favorite things here in Jerusalem has been being able to use the Skype program to talk to my girls (and mom, and sister, sister in law, and even Brad and Ashley). It has been such a blessing to see them face to face (on the computer) and talk with them in real time, and for FREE!!! (Thanks Ash for the heads up that Skype is DEFINITELY the way to go when millions of miles away!)
Okay, other than that, Jerusalem has really been amazing. Today was a little more of an emotional day since we got to spend time worshiping at the Garden Tomb, Garden of Gethsemene, and the Mt of Olives. Its as if I could even smell the Lord Jesus there with us! Oh, it was incredible.
I'll be honest, I'm super tired, and ready for bed. So, since I've already fallen asleep for 2 hours, then woke up frantically because not only were we supposed to call Chris and Megan back to play cards tonight, but we also needed to go buy the internet so we could call the girls. So, now we have fixed the internet, called the girls, but no card game because we can't remember what room Chris and Magen are in. So, I will go to bed now, but I wanted you to still check out some pictures of our trip and a blog that Terry (One of the leaders of our group) has been working on for the past 2 days. The trip website is HERE.
I hope everyone is doing well. We are excited about our day tomorrow. It will involve more travel time than we've had so far, but we get to see many more neat things, including a swim in the dead sea. So, goodnight to all (even though its just the afternoon for all of you Texans.) :)
HIIII SARAH! Glad to hear you are having a blast!!
Your skin is going to look beautiful after swimming in the Dead Sea....the people in the mall always try to make me buy Dead Sea products (only fell for it once!!!)
Can't wait to see pictures
Did you have to buy a bathing suit? I know you prefer skinny dipping.
Thanks Megan! Yeah, they tricked me into buying products today today, but I'm pretty sure mine is the real thing...but again, I could be scammed too!
And, not Ash, it was a nude beach! Just kidding! (Well, not techniquely kidding because there were some ladies topless, NOT COOL!) Thankfully I had my swimsuit here with me!
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